You can use the following keyboard shortcuts while you’re delivering your presentation using Presenter View in PowerPoint 2013 and newer. Use mouse click to advance while rehearsing. You can use these keyboard shortcuts when you are rehearsing your presentation. Use the following keyboard shortcuts to control the pointer and to use it to create annotations during your presentation. Top of Page Pointer and annotations in the slide show (For videos that have multiple audio tracks and/or subtitle tracks in supported formats.) Show or hide the audio and subtitles menu.

These keyboard shortcuts work with video files imported from your computer or other device. Top of Page Control media in the slide show Go to the previous hyperlink on the current slide. (Hotspots include hyperlinks, animation triggers, audio objects, and video objects.)

Go to the next hotspot on the current slide. PowerPoint 2010 and newer: Press and hold the Right and Left mouse buttons for two seconds Go to the next slide, if the next slide is hidden. You can use the following keyboard shortcuts while you’re delivering your presentation in Slide Show (full-screen) mode, with or without Presenter View. Perform the previous animation or return to the previous slide.ĭisplay a blank black slide, or return to the presentation from a blank black slide.ĭisplay a blank white slide, or return to the presentation from a blank white slide. Perform the next animation or advance to the next slide. Start the presentation in Presenter View. Start a presentation from the current slide. This table lists the most frequently used shortcuts in PowerPoint for Windows. Pointer and annotations in the slide show Get the PowerPoint 2016 keyboard shortcuts in a Word document at this link: PowerPoint 2016 for Windows keyboard shortcuts. Use the arrow keys to move between the tabs in the Slide Show Help dialog box. For step-by-step instructions to record a macro, refer to the section “Record a macro” in Automate tasks with the Macro Recorder to create one.ĭuring the presentation, to open a list of shortcuts, press F1. If an action that you use often does not have a shortcut key, you can record a macro. Press Ctrl+F, and then type your search words. To quickly find a shortcut in this article, you can use Search.